
Astral Shores was born out of a desire to have a fundamentally different relationship with reality.

I have dabbled in many different mediums - Art, Astrology, Farming, Creative Direction, Digital Business, Psychic Development - in search of ways to peer beyond the veil of our assumptions and into the realm of creatorship.

I believe that we are essentially and undeniably creative beings. Humans give meaning to the vast, unfolding story of the universe. This is our job, and our gift to give. We are artists. As artists, we have the power to be a part of the story, or to let the existing narrative dictate who we are.

You can be building a business or creating a work of art. The process is essentially the same - investigating your story and what wants to be born from within it - and learning how to share what you find with the world.

Astral Shores exists to support Creative Dignity.

So that we find ways to create what we are here to create dignified in our unique power and frequency. Learning to be in tune with our power as worldbuilders. instead of constrained by the narratives of victimhood, status quo or disempowerment. We each as artists deserve to know the capacities of our magic - and the world deserves whatever we are creating.

As a person, I am most fond of doing this in a 1:1 capacity - where I am able to most efficiently help worldbuilders shepherd their gifts. I do this mainly through the lens of creative business strategy - because so many of us must carve out our own path, career and legacy by creating something that has never existed before. But, I also sharing through classes, tools and community experiences.

I believe that among us we have the resources we need. And, while we live in a capitalist paradigm - everyone deserves to have access to the money that allows them a full, rich life of creativity and meaning. This 'ecosystem' consciounsess is how I approach my work as a Creative Director, Business Strategist and Psychic.

There is no one way to success, or even one definition of it. You are here to experience the completeness and complexity of your being, and create something that only you can create. I am here to help you understand the structure and frequency of your creation, and how to make it possible in the physical world.

Welcome to the Astral Shores.
Where much, much more is possible than you think.

This isn't about:

  • Forcing yourself into an identity that feels unnatural

  • Following anyone else's formula for success

  • Fighting against your natural creative rhythms

  • Creating something that ‘looks good’ on paper - but you hate it.

This is about:

  • Creating from your internal guidance system

  • Building success that feels like coming home to yourself

  • Letting your natural talents lead + create

  • Making your life + business feel like art

Your Guide in the Flow…
I'm Tasha. I have been a creative + Psychic my whole life. But learning to listen to that inner authority hasn’t been easy.

Battling the voice of the status quo in my own head, stopping myself from having success, self-sabotaging everything I created because I couldn’t stand my own creative power.

I learned all this the hard way - misaligned careers, failed businesses, crushing debt, and blowing up my entire life over and over again in search of what I knew was true: No one can tell you how to do what you are here to do except for you. But, you have to claim it. Your scattered path isn’t scattered - you’ve been gathering the pieces you need all along to make it happen. Your inner guidance system just needs a tune-up.

That's why Astral Shores exists: to unlearn what you have been told about yourself, to trust you inner guidance, to help you build success that feels like being in perpetual creative flow.

That perfect whole-brained approach. Strategy and intuition. Business and art. Effort and ease. Here, your unique way of being and relationship with reality is your greatest asset.

It’s Time

To trust that voice inside you that knows there's another way. To honor your vision. To stop fighting your creative power and start using it to create your world.

Welcome back to your power.

This is where business becomes fun again. You already have everything you need to create it.