the 12 Archetypes of the Zodiac

Any good Astrologer will know that there is not ‘cookie-cutter’ approach to understanding the patterns of the stars. Everything is deeply personal, and yet - there are patterns. All of the signs of the zodiacs are Archetypes. Meaning that they embody certain perspectives, behaviours and motivations that contain a certain type of energy. They each have an ‘evolutionary intent’ or something that they are meant to bring clarity to through their own unique skills and perspectives.

What is an archetype?

First, let’s understand - what exactly is an archetype? It is helpful to think about archetype as being certain types of energy. They each have certain motivations, goals and shadows. Each is like ‘a slice of the pie’ or ‘a part of the story’. An archetype is a model that represents a pattern within our experiences. These patterns are fundamental or foundational concepts, meaning they are ‘root stories’ which have variation, but share a common energy, common themes and common motivations. Because they are shared patterns, they have roots in the collective unconscious, shared cross-culturally and throughout time. It can be helpful to think about them as ancient stories or source stories. Astrological archetypes, specifically, deal with a certain existential question our soul is trying to respond to. The 12 signs of the Zodiac represent different developmental, psychological, and experiential processes we are meant to explore on our journey of human evolution. They offer us a place to peer into our subconscious, and access deeper understanding on a personal and collective level. They can illuminate subconscious motivations, behaviours, wounds and also sacred gifts waiting to be uncovered. Archetypes are universal stories which apply to the human experience.

Archetypes, not stereotypes

Being able to regard Astrological symbolism as archetypal and not stereotypical is very important. Archetypes offer us an entering place to self-examine and self-explore. Tools such as Astrology and Archetypes are meant empower you and explore yourself further, not to pathologize or stereotype you.

A lot of Psychologists and Astrologers will talk about archetypes as static, or purely symbolic, but in reality archetypes are living fields of energy that we are meant to embody and explore. They offer enormous potential for self-discovery, healing and empowerment. We find parts of our story in this field of universal archetypes, but we are meant to expand on them and give the story our own flavour and personal experience!

What are the 12 archetypes of the Astrological wheel?
1. Aries - The warrior, The life-giver, The hero, The fool
2. Taurus - The naturalist, The sensualist, The serene one
3. Gemini - The storyteller, The witness, The messenger
4. Cancer - The mother, The dreamweaver, The empath
5. Leo - The performer, The king/queen, The clown
6. Virgo - The craftsperson, The servant, The healer
7. Libra - The artist, The lover, The diplomat
8. Scorpio - The witch, The shaman, The hypnotist
9. Saggitarius - The explorer, The philosopher, The optimist
10. Capricorn - The hermit, The elder, The strategist
11. Aquarius - The rebel, The genius, The misfit
12. Pisces - The mystic, The dreamer, The poet


Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. Is life-giving energy. Aries is the experience self-defintion and heroic action. Aries is pure life-force, which is why it is the Zodiac sign that occurs in the spring. It embodies the raw energy of the beginning of the cycle. Because it is the first sign of the zodiac, this archetype contains elements of the child - energetic and enthusiastic, foolish, free and risk-taking. Aries embodies the the pure will to exist as the self. It is resourced by vitality, energy and the instinct to survive. Aries is the sign of the warrior because it leaves no place for fear. One mtake courageous, inspired action to live. even in the presence of fear. To find freedom in the fire.

The shadow of this archetype is recklessness and selfishness. A tendency to think only of oneself and not consider the consequences, foolishness. Another shadow side of Aries is anger. If we cannot respond to life’s challenges with courage and decisiveness, we fall into anger, depression and fear.


Taurus is the archetype of peace, groundedness, and nature herself. Taurus relates to earthly experiences, following their sensations, and the sense of internal serenity and security. They embody animal energy; they are steadfast, instinctual and move through the world in feeling. Taurus turns inwards cultivating reverance, pleasure and satisfaction in their internal and external worlds. This is the gift they share. Taurus’ resources are an iron will, resourcefulness and oneness with the natural world. Taurus has an understanding of the body and what the body needs. Taurus understands natural rhythms and harmony. In a Taurean period of life, you will want to center, still yourself and simplify. To “listen” to what needs to be heard.

The shadow of Taurus is a tendency towards stagnation and stubbornness, confusing instinctual needs with safety instead of growth. This can cause them to become highly materialistic in nature, causing them to get lost in material sensations or need for wealth. If they get disconnected from natural resonance, they can become ‘unmoveable’ and without purpose,


Gemini is the archetype of curiosity and expansion. Bringing the energy of growth, learning, and communication. Gemini craves new experiences, new information, and new understanding. This archetype embodies expansion of the psyche, flexibility, and opening the soul to new perceptions and possibilities. Although all archetypes have their own teachings, Gemini is one of the most direct teachers, because it deals with the exchange of information and awareness. There is a child-like wonder and fascination, as Gemini seeks to uncover the crystals of experience within the mysteries of life. Gemini is the symbol of the mind, and all processes of the mind.

The shadow of Gemini is overactivity, purposelessness and trickery. They may seek to know the mysteries of life, but not integrate them. They may overextend and burn-out from all the racing about, losing sight of the miracle of life. Gemini is also the trickster, and flexibility can become a shadow identity of tricks and lies, especially if over identified with the processes of the mind.


Cancer is the archetype of the healer, the mother, the empath. Cancer understands the emotional self, and understands that the nuances of life are within the emotions. The Cancerian realm is the deep, vulnerable parts of ourselves that require safety to be known. Cancer acts with nurture, love and acceptance, all that which is what is required to shed the shell of numbness the world has forced to build. Cancer has a deep sensitivity to the pain of others, which is why it is the archetype of the empath. It is associated with healing, which we find in the deep, knowing internal self. Cancer is associated with intuition, the mother and the moon, who recognizes something the deep, mysterious, vulnerable and true that lives within us all. 

The shadow of the Cancer archetype is to become over-emotional, obsessed with safety or to lose themselves in the experience of care-giving. Although caring for others is a noble task, Cancer can become unbalanced, running the risk of losing the self completely, losing purposefulness hiding the self behind a wall. 


Leo is is the archetype associated with self-expression. It is the performer, the artist, and also the King/Queen. This archetype has a skill of manifestation, playfulness and creation. Leo is the archetype that explores and expresses the performance of ego, in the truest, most genuine way. This actually requires enormous bravery, to authentically express ones self in front of others. In this way, Leo is a very heart-oriented archetype, it desires to be seen, but seen truly. The exploration of creativity, perfomance and play are ways to embody the Leo archetype. Leo feels like the glow of the sun; expressing with warmth, radiance and charm. It craves to see a palpable expression of personality in the external world, to create from within.

The shadow of Leo is the addiction to attention and praise. To become dependant on applause, and lose sight of vulnerability and true heart-centered expression. Expressing oneself is a brave task, and it is easy to misunderstand the expression of Leo. This can result in fear, frustration, stuckness and shallowness when in this phase of life.  


Virgo is a complex and often misunderstood symbol. It is is the archetype of perfection, sometimes also thought of as the “Angel”. They are committed to humility, surrendering oneself to the highest possible vision, and putting in the physical work to get there. In the wheel of archetypes Virgo is the sign in which the vision turns from inward to outward, to humbling oneself to something higher. (It has a spiritual vibration with it’s opposite Pisces in this way). For this same reason, the Virgo archetype also has much to do with scrutiny, meticulousness, discipline, discernment and truth. Virgo transcends the self through service to others. Virgo is the eternal student, forever carrying on the work of refinement and distillation of skills, seeking clarity and betterment. Virgo wants to become more, so they become the bridge between the real and the imagined; they take action to bring the vision of the cosmos down to earth.

The shadow of Virgo is perfectionism, anxiety and scrutiny. Virgo carries the great burden of vision and being able to see perfection. But, these visions create a hunger that cannot be fulfilled, and Virgo becomes a harsh, uncompromising critic to self and others. They can easily take self-sacrifice too far, and become overworked. Doubt and judgement are powerful shadows of this archetype and they can also become martyrs if untethered from the humility of their path. 


Libra is the archetype of balance and harmony. Libra symbolizes truth, which includes all opposites. Libra seeks common ground with others, and balances through harmony. Libra is the diplomat, the lover, the one finds a the middle way, through empathy and acute awareness to subtleties. Libra offers the world grace, compassion and kindness. They are the Artist of the zodiac because they naturally understand and facilitate harmonization. They seek to cultivate what is beautiful and nourishing. Libra as an archetype symbolizes balance with the world.

The shadow of LIbra is indecision. The desire to rest in what is safe and comfortable. An inability to take action and choose anything that would ‘disrupt the harmony’. The desire for harmony is so strong that they may not participate in their own individuation, letting balance slip into co-dependancy. 


Scorpio is an archetype of depth, seeking uncompromising clarity and truth. They have a penchant for being intense, because they deal with intense material! They seek to make the unconscious, conscious, digging within the depths of the body, mind and soul for the truth. They are the psychoanalysts or the shamans, because they probe for the material of the soul. Scorpio seeks to see beyond the veil, beyond the deception of life’s material, and make it available in the living world. This is a deep-feeling archetype, using intuition and emotion to make sense of deep human experiences. They have the courage to feel anything, and often deal with taboo subjects or feelings. Scorpio ruthlessly explores the truth, and lives it.

The shadow of Scorpio is also it’s gift - intensity! They can get lost in the shadows, or become self-absorbed on the path of seeking understanding. They can lose perspective and lightness, and become suspicious of others with analytical thinking. 


Sagittarius is the archetype of expansion and trust. They follow their own path to uncover the meaning of life. Sagittarius is the sign of the explorer, the wanderer, trusting the path. They want to stretch their horizons constantly, and have faith that something beautiful is upon that horizon. To be amazed by the world. They are the philosophers of the zodiac, wanting to entertain and explore new ideas endlessly, remaining open to new ways and new ideas. Life is an adventure for Sagittarius and freedom is deeply important. Sagittarius must surrender safety for possibility. 

The shadow of Sagittarius is overconfidence and irresponsibility. They can be insensitive to other people’s feelings and paths, being lost in their own. Their wide-eyed attitude can result in a a foolishness and lack of awareness to consequences. Sparkle and wonder can be traded in for tragedy and dogmatism without sights on the horizon. 


Capricorn is the archetype of integrity. They are though of as the elder or the hermit. Their gift is uniting the inward guidance with the outward expression. With this, they can accomplish anything, they can climb to any height. Capricorn is the most disciplined archetype, they seek only internal approval. They are masters of their emotions and their actions. When they are aligned, they can meet any challenge. Capricorn has an iron will to remain focused on their goal, they operate without distraction. Capricorns operate in solidarity but are often looked up to as leaders because they operate efficiently, understanding what moves need to be made next instinctively. Capricorn represents unity between inwards truth and outwards expression. Thus, they can create anything. 

Capricorn’s shadow is to become recluse and misunderstanding, stubborn or uncompromising. The solitude can turn into loneliness, discipline into workaholism, stoicism into sorrow. They may apply their internal discipline to the outer world and become controlling, or the internal discipline becomes a burden that no one can bear. The hermit is marked by emotional constriction. 


Aquarius is the symbol of individuality. Aquarius rebels against anything that contains the self, with absolute loyalty to the truth. This archetype is that of the rebel genius, questioning any authority outside of the self, and seeking honesty and authenticity of personal expression. Aquarius cannot go with the crowd, they cannot betray their own truth; they are always the exile. Aquarius is immoveable if they are following their heart’s path. They also have an awareness of what is needed for the collective as they operate on ideals. It can be said that this is the archetype of humanity itself. Aquarius teaches us to think for ourselves, and to be ourselves. To think in ways we have not been taught to think, and to live completely our own unique expression.  

The shadow of Aquarius is to become cold and unfeeling. Rebelliousness without meaning, stubbornness without purpose, contrariness and alienation. To separate oneself so completely that one is dissociated and emotionally unavailable. 


Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and it is the archetype of shared consciousness. An archetype of mystery and intuition representing the seas in which we all connect. Pisces seeks to experience not the contents or context of consciousness, but pure consciousness. The projector and the screen. Dreaming, meditating and connecting to the self through experiencing the other are all the realm of the fish. Pisces is empathic, gentle, and aware of the oneness of all things. Pisces have powerful imaginations that can impact the physical world, because they understand it is just a projection. They free up space for all to dream. Pisces seeks realization and dissolution, to experience the only reality - consciousness itself. As the last sign of the zodiac, it also symbolizes endings, and the dissolution necessary to make way for a new cycle to begin.

Pisces shadow is to become overwhelmed with the mystery, to get lost in the possibilities. Escapism is the foe of the fishes. To get tangled in fantasy and delusion, confusing the veil for the truth. Seeking escape routes from the truth through substances and false idols. To lose any sense of embodiment and get lost in the emotional tide. 

You may read conflicting ideas about what certain Astrological signs represent…that is because these archetypes are very complex! Once again, they are living fields of energy which evolve in complexity when we add our own context, experiences and understanding. The best way to understand an archetypal energy is to explore where you feel it in your lived experience. Look into your birthchart and discover where the energy of these archetypes is alive in your life!.

If you are ready to explore the informative, healing and creative potential of the archetypes in your birth chart, book an Astrology reading or consultation with me.


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